Home Garden

Dracaena Marginata Care Instructions

Dracaena marginata has a unique appearance. The narrow, 1/2-inch-diameter stalks support large tufts of long, strap-shaped leaves. A single plant produces multiple stalks. A native of Madagascar, this frost-tender plant grows only in a limited tropical range in southern Florida. In colder climates, grow Dracaena marginata in a container year-round indoors or move it out to the deck or patio for the milder parts of the year. This low-maintenance evergreen brings a tropical flair to indoor and outdoor living spaces. Look for Draceana marginata under the common name Madagascar dragon tree.

Things You'll Need

  • Pottery shards or flat stones
  • Peat
  • Sand
  • Potting soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Pebbles
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    • 1

      Measure the nursery pot surrounding the Dracaena marginata and select a patio pot or planter 2 to 4 inches larger. Check the bottom of the planter; it should have at least one large drain hole in the bottom to prevent overwatering.

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      Place pottery shards or flat stones loosely over the drain holes. Fill the bottom of the pot with commercial potting mix. A homemade formula consisting of 2 parts sand, 2 parts potting soil and 1 part peat moss also works well.

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      Place the Dracaena marginata, still in the nursery pot, into the center of the new pot and hold it so that the base of the stalks sits 1inch below the lip of the pot. Add more soil or remove it until the plant rests on its own in the pot.

    • 4

      Pull the Dracaena marginata out of the planter and lay it on its side. Hold the stems in one hand and wiggle the nursery container off the root ball with the other.

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      Lift the root ball and set it in the center of the pot. Add more potting soil until the soil line is level with the base of the stems, leaving 1 inch between the soil level and the lip of the pot. This leaves space for water and fertilizer.

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      Fill a saucer or tray with pebbles. Select one that is 1 to 2 inches wider than the base of the planter. Add water to the saucer until the pebble layer is half submerged. Place the pot on the saucer. Add more water as it evaporates. The constant evaporation creates a humid environment around tropical Dracaena marginata.

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      Grow Dracaena marginata indoors in a spot that gets dim or bright filtered light. Outside, place it in sun or partial shade.

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      Water the planter when the top 1 inch of soil starts to dry out. Watch the leaves to help regulate watering. If they start to turn brown at the tips, your Dracaena marginata is getting too much or too little water. If the soil feels dry 4 inches down, it needs more water. If the soil feels wet, water less.

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      Fertilize indoor and patio-grown Dracaena marginata once a month. Add a balanced water-soluble fertilizer to one of the water applications or spread a slow-release formula on the soil around the base of the plant. Check the package instructions and follow the recommended amount and application method.