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How to Grow Rhus Glabra Seeds

Rhus glabra is the botanical name for smooth sumac, a species of shrubby tree found in moist environments across the eastern and central United States. It is frequently cultivated as an ornamental tree for its striking fruit and autumn foliage, which share a scarlet-red coloration. The fruit contain small, yellowish seeds which provide the primary means of growing new Rhus glabra trees. However, the seeds must be processed before sowing since the outer coating is very hard and will slow germination if not softened by soaking.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • 3-inch-deep nursery tray
  • Seedling compost
  • Spray bottle
  • Wood shavings
  • 1-gallon nursery containers
  • Garden soil
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    • 1

      Soak the Rhus glabra seeds in a bowl full of 120 F water. Let the water cool completely. Pour off the cool water. Pour more 120 F water onto the seeds and soak until the water cools.

    • 2

      Prepare a planting container for the Rhus glabra seeds while they soak. Fill a 3-inch-deep nursery tray with seedling compost. Mist the seedling compost with a spray bottle until the top inch is saturated.

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      Spread the Rhus glabra seeds 1/4-inch apart across the surface of the seedling compost. Cover the seeds with a 1/2-inch-thick layer of seedling compost. Mist the compost with the spray bottle until it is saturated.

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      Spread a 1/4-inch-thick layer of wood shavings across the surface of the seedling compost to help keep it moist and regulate the temperature.

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      Place the nursery tray outdoors in a cold frame, under a sheltered porch or beneath a tree with light shade, depending on what is available. Choose a spot offering some protection from hard frost.

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      Moisten the seedling compost periodically during the winter months if no rain falls. Spritz the compost with a spray bottle so that the top inch remains moist at all times.

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      Remove the wood shavings in spring when outdoor temperatures reach 68 F. Move the nursery tray to a sunny spot as soon as warm weather returns.

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      Watch for germination three weeks after moving the nursery tray to full sun. Thin the Rhus glabra seedlings to one every 2 inches once they produce a pair of mature leaves.

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      Transplant the Rhus glabra seedlings into individual 1-gallon nursery containers filled with garden soil once they grow to 3 inches in height.

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      Keep the individually potted Rhus glabra seedlings in a shade house or under a tree with light shade for one to two years before planting them in the garden. Provide supplemental water only when the soil dries out completely in the top inch.