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Ornamental Shrubs for Planters

Gardeners have a wealth of choices in ornamental shrubs that tolerate growth inside planters. The shrubs will brighten areas both indoors and out. Select shrubs hardy to your area’s conditions and consider their preferred growth requirements and habits. Planting in preferred environmental conditions leads to healthy and problem-free plants.
  1. Planter Growth

    • Planters come in various materials, sizes and shapes. Those made of plastic, sealed ceramic or clay keep the soil moist longer, which cuts down on watering requirements. Wood, unsealed ceramics or clay planters lose moisture more quickly. Consider the shrub’s established size when you select a planter. For proper growth, utilize a planter that is approximately twice as large as the shrub’s root ball. Most shrubs grow well in potting mixes that drain well. Amend the potting mix with a slow-release fertilizer, as it feeds plants for approximately three months. Follow package directions when mixing.

    Flowering Shrubs

    • Bleeding hearts grow up to 15 feet tall.

      Various flowering shrubs grow well inside planters, adding additional color with blooms. Bleeding heart (Clerodendrum thomsoniae) is an evergreen shrub with a vinelike, twining habit. During summer, panicles filled with clusters of red-and-white, bell-shaped flowers bloom. Situate the planter next to an arbor or trellis. It prefers moist, well-drained soil. Mist plants regularly to increase humidity and grow them in partial shade. Hawaiian or Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus Rosa-sinensi) is a tropical evergreen producing large, double or single flowers all year. Foliage is green with serrated edges. Flowers come in a rainbow of colors, as cultivars are many. Grow it in well-drained soils kept moist. Situate the plants in sunny to partially shady areas.

    Evergreen Shrubs

    • Lantana attracts a variety of butterflies.

      Evergreen shrubs add greenery to planters all year, as plants do not drop foliage during the cooler months. Star jasmine (Jasminum nitidum) grows as a shrub with a vinelike habit. This fast-grower produces glossy green, lancelike foliage. Fragrant flowers are white, starlike and bloom springtime throughout summer. Grow it in well-drained, moist soils located in full sun. Utilize a trellis or allow branches to flow freely in a loose habit. Lantana (Lantana camara) grows as a perennial in frost-free locations. Toothy foliage grows up to 2 inches long. In summer, colorful bouquets of flowers bloom and continue until fall. Flowers are multicolored, purple, yellow, pink or white. Plant it in well-drained soil and situate the plant in full sun to partial shade. Water plants weekly.

    Colorful Foliage

    • Crotons come in a variety of colorful cultivars.

      For a blast of year-round color, utilize shrubs inside the planter that produce foliage in other colors than green. Copperleaf (Acalypha wilkesiana) is a bushy evergreen with oval, serrated foliage. its foliage color varies and includes mixes of copper, green, bronze, red, pink, orange, yellow and cream. Grow it in fertile, well-drained, moist soil. Mist plants to create humidity. Grow them indoors in medium to bright light and outdoors in sun to shade. Croton (Codiaeum variegatum var.) has foliage in mixes of greens, reds, yellow, orange, white, maroon and pinks. Its foliage shape is as diverse as the colors. Plants are frost-sensitive and prefer rich, well-drained soils kept moist. Mist plants regularly. Situate indoors plants in bright light and grow plants outdoors in partial sun to shade.