Home Garden

How to Prune an Anthony Waterer Spirea

Anthony Waterer spiraea is part of a family of easy-to-care-for deciduous shrubs. This variety grows to a height of 3 feet. During the summer, it is covered with domes of carmine-pink flowers with pink or cream-tinged leaves. Proper pruning will encourage your Anthony Waterer spiraea shrubs to flower vigorously.

Things You'll Need

  • Gardening shears
  • Two refuse basket
  • Loping shears (optional)
  • Gardening gloves
  • White household glue
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      Examine your Anthony Waterer spiraea during the late winter or early spring and identify any canes that appear weak, dead or diseased. Remove these canes by cutting them off at ground level with the gardening shears. Separate any trimmed plant remains that appear diseased from plant remains that do not appear to be diseased. Place the diseased remains in one refuse basket and the non-diseased remains in the other refuse basket.

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      Identify the shrub's healthy canes. Prune these canes back to approximately 4 inches from the base of the plant. Seal the cut canes by smearing a thick layer of white household glue over the pruning wound to prevent infestation from pests or disease. Place healthy cuttings in the second basket, separate from any diseased trimmings.

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      Check the area under the shrub for any plant remains. Empty the basket of healthy plant remains into your compost bin. Empty the basket of diseased canes into the trash. Never add diseased plant remains to your compost bin.