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How to Take Care of Dendromecon Tree Poppies

Dendromecon, or tree poppies, are perennial members of the Papaveraceae family of plants. When discussing Dendromecon, two evergreen shrubs, Dendromecon rigida and Dendromecon harfordii, make up the group. Both plants produce stiff, blue-green foliage, which is dotted with bright-yellow flowers during blooming season. While the rigida variety tends to remain at a mature height of 6 feet, Dendromecon harfordii tends to grow taller, often reaching a height of 20 feet at maturity. Despite their height differences, care and growing preferences are the same.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden shovel
  • Ruler
  • Garden hose
  • Pruning shears
  • Mulch
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  1. Planting

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      Plant Dendromecon tree poppies in full sun and well-drained soil. The ideal time to plant is between late fall and midwinter, which gives the shrub time to establish its root system before the spring bloom.

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      Dig the planting hole twice the width of the nursery container to give the roots room to spread. The height of the hole should measure no deeper than the height of the root ball to ensure that all foliage remains above the soil line.

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      Place the tree poppy in the hole after carefully sliding it out of the nursery container. Dendromecon roots are fragile and prefer not to be handled. Keep all attached soil intact during the removal process.

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      Refill the hole with the surrounding soil and water deeply with the garden hose. Keep the soil moist, not soaked during the first growing season. If the soil feels moist when you press your finger one inch into the soil, no more water is needed.


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      Forget about watering Dendromecon tree poppies after the first growing season. By this time, the shrubs are established and shun watering. During the height of the summer, the dryer the soil, the better the poppies like it.

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      Trim dead or broken branches from the tree poppies whenever necessary, using a pair of sharp pruning shears. This pruning increases vigor and keeps the Dendromecon trees looking tidy. Tree poppies are tolerant, so pruning can take place at any time during the growing season. Trimming to decrease size should not exceed the removal of half of the plant during any single pruning.

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      During times when the ground is continuously moist from rain, spread a 3-inch layer of bark mulch around the poppies. The mulch increases drainage and protects the fragile roots. A layer of mulch also deters weed growth in the planting location.