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How to Rid a Bougainvillea of Plant Moths

Like many ornamental shrubs, a healthy bougainvillea can enhance your landscape by adding color and fragrance. Unfortunately, these attractive shrubs are prone to certain pests that feed on the leaves and can cause unsightly damage to the foliage and flowers. The adult form of bougainvillea looper, also known as Disclisioprocta stellata, is the most common type of moth to visit these ornamental shrubs. Adult loopers are known as Somber Carpet Moths. Ridding your bougainvillea plant of the adult moths helps reduce the risk of damage caused by the feeding larvae.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Flashlight
  • Pesticide containing Bacillus thuringiensis
  • Pruning shears
  • Birdhouses
  • Bird feeders
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      Examine the underside of the bougainvillea leaves for small larvae or eggs left behind by the visiting moths. These tiny caterpillars also go by the name of “inchworms.” They're green or brown and move by making raised loops with their midsections.

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      Remove any visible adult moths and loopers from the foliage by handpicking them from the leaves and dropping them in a bucket of water. Perform this task in the evening with a flashlight, as this is when loopers are most active.

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      Use a pesticide spray to remove any remaining moths or larvae from your bougainvillea shrub. Spray the plant in the evening with a product that contains Bacillus thuringiensis, following the instructions on the product label.

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      Trim off any twigs and limbs that contain large areas of pest damage. The feeding larvae tend to cause severe scalloping along the edges of leaves, often progressing throughout the foliage and into the stems. Use a pair of sharp pruning shears to cut the limbs slightly below the area of damage. Rake up and remove all pruned and fallen vegetation from around the base of your bougainvillea to help discourage the growth of bacteria and fungus around your ornamental shrubs and other landscaping plants.

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      Discourage new infestations of moths and caterpillars by encouraging birds to visit your yard. These natural enemies of numerous plant pests can help limit looper infestations by feeding on the young larvae and the adult moths. Place birdhouses and bird feeders around your bougainvillea shrub or throughout your yard to help increase the visits from feathered friends.