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Do Marigolds Grow Better in Juice?

Gardeners everywhere undergo continuous searches for the best fertilizer for plants. This means plants often endure very strange experimental fertilizer treatments. These treatments are sought in order to produce fuller, more vibrant blossoms on flowering plants like marigolds. Fruit juice is packed with vitamins and nutrients healthful to the human body, but it may not be the best choice for marigold nutrition.
  1. Photosynthesis

    • Photosynthesis is a critical life process for marigolds and every other plant. This is the process plants use to create nourishment and energy to sustain their lives. During photosynthesis, plants take water in through their roots, use carbon dioxide from the air around them and sunlight from their environment. These ingredients are processed by the plant and used to create glucose, a sugar plants use for nourishment. This is why providing ample moisture for your marigolds is necessary.

    Sugar and Marigolds

    • Any type of sugar dissolved in water given to marigolds creates a hindrance for the plants. Marigold roots are designed to take in pure water as quickly as possible and to take their time absorbing other substances that may contain impurities. Fruit juice contains high levels of sugar. Although the juice is based in water that marigolds need, the sugar in the juice makes it difficult for the marigolds to absorb that moisture as quickly as they need it. This actually restricts the amount of water the marigolds receive over time, and could even result in death by dehydration.


    • Sugar in fruit juice contaminates the soil around marigolds. That sugar feeds and encourages the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms living in the soil. As the microorganisms feed and grow, they may achieve abnormally high levels in the soil surrounding your marigolds. This creates a breeding ground for plant disease that could harm or kill your marigolds. Even mold, mildew and other fungal growths could result from the high levels of sugar in your soil due to using fruit juice in place of water for marigolds.

    A Better Alternative

    • Rather than using a fruit juice to water your marigolds, use pure water, which contains all of the moisture and traces of nutrients necessary for normal growth of your plants. The vitamins and minerals found in fruit juice or other fertilizers actually hinder the growth of marigolds. Marigolds prefer poor soil and the basic nutrients offered in pure water, thriving and producing more abundant blooms under these conditions. Distilled water is extremely purified water and may also be used to water your marigolds if you wish to avoid tap water.