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How to Transplant Arboricola Plants

Arboricola plants (Scheffelera arboricola) are indoor houseplants with the common name of umbrella plants. They grow as small trees, and the foliage at the end of each branch emerges from a central point in an umbrella shape. As with all other houseplants, arboricola requires transplanting when the roots reach the current pot’s edges. Transplanting it to a larger pot ensures the plant remains healthy and disease free.

Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper
  • Tape measure
  • Plant pot
  • Potting soil
  • Bucket (optional)
  • Peat moss (optional)
  • Sand (optional)
  • Garden soil (optional)
  • Perlite (optional)
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      Wait until the spring when new leaves or height appear.

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      Spread a newspaper over a table or workbench and place the arboricola pot on the table. Place one hand over the top of the soil and then turn the pot upside down. Tapping the pot’s bottom with your other hand loosens the root ball. Pull the pot off the roots.

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      Set the arboricola plant down and measure the old pot’s top using a tape measure. Locate a new pot that is 2 inches wider. Ensure the new pot has at least three to four holes in the bottom for drainage.

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      Fill the new pot half full with a general-purpose potting soil. If desired, make your own soil by filling a bucket with 1 part of sphagnum peat moss, 1 part of garden soil and 1 part of either sand or perlite.

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      Place arboricola plant’s roots into the pot and hold the main trunk upright with one hand. Fill in the pot with additional the soil using the other hand until it reaches the top of the root ball. Pat the soil lightly but don’t compact it.

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      Move the pot to a sink and water the top of the soil until it runs out of the lower drainage holes.