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What Plants Support Bird Life?

A bird's diet includes a diverse group of plants that grow low to the ground or high up on the tree tops. The scope of a bird's diet varies greatly, depending on the individual species. The type of diet a bird consumes also depends on its environment. Some birds mainly eat plants and berries while other birds hunt live prey. Birds found in the Amazon feed on exotic plants while Northwest American birds have a more traditional, basic diet.
  1. Berry Trees, Vines and Shrubs

    • A wide variety of berry trees and shrubs support bird life. Both small and large bird species enjoy feeding on these berries for nourishment during the fall and spring when the plants provide these foods. Some of the berries are also safe for humans, but a few berries are only fit for birds and other wildlife. Birds feed off hundreds of types of berry plants, depending on their location. Some of the plants found in the United States include the hackberry, cherry, crab apple, hawthorn, mountain ash, winterberry and serviceberry. The berries range in color from white to red or purplish-pink, depending on the plant species. Birds also feed on blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, grapes, huckleberries, strawberries and many other berry shrubs that humans also enjoy.

    Flowering Trees, Vines and Shrubs

    • Some birds such as the hummingbird also feed on the nectar from flowering trees and shrubs. Many of these plants produce both flowers and berries at various times throughout the year, which provides an ample source of nutrition for all sorts of birds. Hummingbirds especially enjoy sucking nectar from plants with trumpet-shaped flowers such as the trumpet creeper vine, but they also feed off honeysuckle shrubs and other shrubs with standard flowers. They gravitate toward colorful flowering bushes such as the butterfly bush. Dozens of other plants also produce plenty of nectar for birds. Some of these include the cypress vine, gross vine, cardinal climber, cape honeysuckle, morning glory and swamp jasmine.

    Fruit Trees and Shrubs

    • Both fruit trees and shrubs are similar to berry plants because they provide the birds with a sweet treat, but these plants provide much larger food for the birds to feed on. Birds can eat whole apples from apple trees and feed on pears, peaches and even bananas. Birds also thrive on plums and lemons and limes from small trees.

    Seeds and Other Plant Foods

    • Birds also eat seeds found directly in flowers or fruit from various plants such as blueberry shrubs, blackberry plants and other berry shrubs. The birds also feed on leftover seeds that fall to the ground. They also enjoy sunflower seeds, hemp seed, linseed and millet. In addition, they like foods such as crushed oats, barley, wheat, beech acorns and peanuts. These foods come from wheat plants and peanuts from vinelike plants that grow low to the ground.