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What pH Is Recommended for Aquarium Moss?

Aquatic moss makes a hardy living decoration for any freshwater aquarium. Not only does it add a natural aesthetic to your tank, but it also provides shelter for small fish and shrimp. There are numerous types of aquarium moss, including java moss, weeping moss and Christmas moss. Each requires similar water parameters, including a strict pH range.
  1. Basics of pH

    • A liquid's alkalinity or acidity is measured on what is known as a pH scale, which runs from 0 to 14. A value of 7.0 is a neutral pH, which is the pH of pure freshwater. Anything below that number is considered acidic, while anything above it is considered alkaline. The closer to zero, the more acidic the liquid, while closer to 14 means it is more alkaline.

    Moss Preferences

    • Most aquarium mosses are very hardy and can tolerate a fairly wide range of pH readings. Java moss, one of the most common aquarium mosses, for example, is tolerant of anywhere between 5.8 and 8.0. Cladophora aegagropila, which is known throughout the pet trade as "moss balls," prefer a similar pH range between 6.2 and 7.5. In general, most moss will do fine right around the 7.0 pH range, which is where your tank will have to be anyway for most tropical fish.

    Raising the pH

    • Numerous chemical buffers will raise your aquarium water's pH temporarily if it gets too low. These solutions typically do not last long, however. A small handful of crushed coral should help raise a freshwater aquarium's pH. Wrap some crushed coral substrate in a nylon bag and place it somewhere in your tank for a more effective solution to low pH. Add more until you reach the desired level.

    Lowering the pH

    • There also is a wide array of chemicals designed to lower the pH, if necessary. They also are only temporary solutions, however. Fill a small nylon bag with peat wood chips and place it in your tank. A small handful of chips should help lower the pH effectively of a small freshwater aquarium. Continue to add small bags until the aquarium has reached the optimal pH.