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How to Get Rid of Scale on a Staghorn Fern

Scales are tiny, nutrient-sucking pests that commonly infest ferns such as staghorn (Platycerium bifurcatum). Upon a close examination, gardeners may see white, oval-shaped bodies crawling around on staghorn fern plants. There may be a sticky substance called honeydew covering the plant. The scale insects secrete honeydew. Ants may be lurking near the staghorn fern, because they eat honeydew and protect scales from their natural predators. Pesticides have the potential to harm fern plants, so gardeners may choose with other methods to control their scale population.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose
  • Plastic
  • Toothpick
  • Double sided tape
  • Ant bait
  • Horticultural oil
  • Spray bottle
  • Pesticide
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      Washing the plant off with a strong stream of water removes honeydew. Fungal spores that cause sooty mold float through the air attach themselves to the honeydew. The result is a staghorn fern covered in a thin, black powder. Wash of sooty mold with a garden hose. Lift up foliage to remove sooty mold caught in the fronds.

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      Place a piece a plastic on top of the soil for capturing scales. Handpick scale insects off the staghorn. Use a toothpick for dislodging scales off fronds. Adult scale insects are immobile and won’t run away once picked off the fern.

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      Apply double-sided tape around the staghorn fern's container for capturing scale crawlers. Scale crawlers are an immature stage where they are easily caught on sticky tape. Mature scales are generally immobile.

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      Place ant baits around the staghorn fern. Ant bait offers an attractant mixed with a toxin. Replace the poisonous baits every week for killing off ants protecting scales.

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      Apply horticultural oil to the staghorn fern. Horticultural oils are petroleum-based products that kill pests. Spray the oil on the tops and bottoms of leaves. Reapply according to the directions.

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      Dilute pesticide containing carbaryl in a spray bottle with water. Apply pesticide to the foliage of the staghorn fern. Repeat applications during the growing season. Stop spraying if the staghorn exhibits discolored fronds or declining health.