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Russian Olive Seed Preparation

Russian olives are native to Asia and grow as either large shrubs or as tree reaching up to 40 feet tall. They look similar to other olive trees, but they contain sharp thorns along the branches and the trunk. The plant produces yellow berries in the fall that transition to red once mature and are sweet. Although Russian olives will grow from seed, the proper preparation is required. Specifically, the seeds require scarifying and stratification which break through the seed hull and trigger the germination process.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towel
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
  • Clear sandwich bag
  • Course sand
  • Water
  • Refrigerator
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    • 1

      Collect the Russian olive berries in the winter when they are red, indicating they are ripe. Spread them out on a paper towel in a warm indoor location and wait until they dry and no longer feel damp or soft.

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      Scrape away the dried outer skin using your fingers to remove the inner seeds. Remove all of the seeds from the skins and discard the skins.

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      Place a piece of fine-grit sandpaper on a table with the rough side facing upward. Spread the Russian olive seeds on top of the sandpaper then place another piece of sandpaper on top of them with the rough side facing down. Rub the top sandpaper piece back and forth five to six times to scarify the seeds.

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      Fill a clear, plastic sandwich bag half full of course sand and add water until the sand is completely moist and holds together when you squeeze it. Do not allow water to pool in the bottom of the bag.

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      Insert the stratified Russian olive seeds into the sand and mix the sand up until the seeds are incorporated. Seal the bag up tightly.

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      Insert the plastic bag into a refrigerator that maintains a temperature of at least 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave the bag in place for 90 days and then remove the bag, sift out the seeds and plant them.