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How to Grow Rose Campions From Seeds

Rose campion, a native alpine plant found in the mountain ranges of the northern hemisphere, is a low growing, spreading plant that clings to crevasses and cracks in rocky areas. It produces numerous bright rosy pink flowers on silvery green foliage and stems with fine whitish-gray hairs. The plant blooms continuously from spring to summer but each flower only lasts a day. Rose campion is tolerant of poor soil and harsh conditions. It freely reseeds itself and can grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 3 to 8. Seeds require a chilling period to break dormancy and spur germination.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic bag
  • Scissors
  • Refrigerator
  • Rake
  • Sand or crushed rocks
  • Shovel
  • Water
  • Mulch
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      Take a plastic bag to a patch of rose campion in late summer to early fall. Cut off the spent flower heads and put them in the plastic bag.

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      Leave the open bag on the counter indoors to dry until the seed falls out of the heads. Remove the heads and put the closed bag of seed in the refrigerator for 90 days to simulate a winter.

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      Prepare a garden bed in autumn or in spring a few weeks before the date of the last expected frost. Rake out any debris and remove any weeds. Dig in 3 inches of sand or crushed rock to simulate the mountainous conditions the plant normally experiences.

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      Sprinkle the chilled seeds across the surface of the soil and then press them into the soil with the heel of your hand. Lightly water the area to begin softening the seed husks and promote germination. Germination will occur in 20 to 25 days at a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Thin the seedlings to a distance of 12 inches apart. Keep the soil moderately moist but allow it to dry out between periods of irrigation and suspend watering in winter. Spread 2 inches of mulch around the base of the plants to help conserve moisture and prevent weeds.

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      Deadhead the flowers once they are produced. This will enhance the overall flower production. Cut the stems all the way back to the base of the plant.