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The Low Temperature for Jade Plants

Crassula is the botanical name for jade plants. Since these semi-tropical plants mainly come from South Africa, they require warm outdoor climates. Like many tropical and subtropical plants, jade plants make suitable potted plants indoors, although they can also survive outdoors as landscape plants in climates that experience mild freezes. Winter protection can help them survive during unseasonably cold spells.
  1. Jade

    • Jade plants belong to the succulent family of plants. Different cultivars may range in size and appearance. Crassula argentea and Crassula ovate are common selections for growing as houseplants or outdoor ornamental plants in warm climates. With proper care, jade plants often grow as tall as 9 or 10 feet. These plants form multi-trunked shrubs with stout trunks, sturdy branches and plump leaves. The compact roots allow you to grow them in small pots, although the size and weight of the mature plants require heavy, broad pots to keep these top-heavy plants stable. Avoid planting jade plants directly in your garden if you live in a climate that experiences hard frosts during the winter months.

    Climate Zones

    • Climate zone maps provide temperature ranges for specific plants. According to "Sunset," jade plants grow in climate zones 8 and 9. Plants in climate zones warmer or colder than these zones may need to be grown in pots, enabling you to transfer them to a protected location during hot or cold spells.


    • Cold temperatures in climate zone 8 may frequently fall as low as 13 degrees F, or -2 C, according to "Sunset." Low-lying areas in your landscape tend to experience the coldest temperatures. Cold air tends to pool in these low areas, often causing temperature drops below the normal range.

    Cold Protection

    • Protecting your jade plant from freezing temperatures can help prevent damage that may occur during cold spells in climate zone 8. The University of Florida Extension recommends planting tender plants in areas with good air drainage that allow the cool air to flow downward, away from the plants. Other precautions that can help your jade plant survive include placing mulch around the roots and covering them before an expected frost. Old quilts, cloth sheets and black plastic make suitable covers. Placing a light bulb under the cover can help provide additional warmth during severe drops in temperature.