Home Garden

How to Cut Desert Grasses

Home landscapes in a desert climate may benefit from the use of drought-resistant plants that thrive in high heat and well-draining soil. Ornamental grasses fit these requirements and don't need much maintenance. Around once per year, cut the desert grasses back to make way for the new growth.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears or hedge clippers
  • Garden gloves
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      Grasp a handful of ornamental grass in one hand, then clip the bundle about 4 inches above the ground. Set the loose grass aside.

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      Grasp another bundle of grass along the outside of the plant. Cut the grass as before. Work your way around the outer circumference of the grassy plant.

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      Move to the center of the plant after you've cut away the outer edges. Grasp a center section in one hand and trim the grass to about 3 inches above the ground. Cutting the grass lower in the center allows the old growth to be cut away, allowing new growth to replace it in the center of the plant. Repeat until the entire section of grass is cut.

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      Water the plant thoroughly after you finish to keep it nourished after the stress of an agressive trimming. Clean up the cuttings and discard.