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How to Replant Lucky Bamboo Stalks Without Hormone Powder

Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is a marketing term for a tropical, perennial plant. It grows to 36 inches in height and flourishes when planted outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and above. Most lucky bamboo growers keep the plant indoors, as a novelty houseplant. Although hormone powder promotes rooting of cuttings, it is not necessary for lucky bamboo propagation.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Sand
  • Pruning shears
  • Scissors
  • Stakes, such as chopsticks or craft sticks
  • Plastic bag
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      Fill a container with sand. Any type of container is suitable as long as it has drainage holes and is sturdy enough to not topple over from the lucky bamboo stalk’s weight of the. Run water over the sand until it’s wet.

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      Cut the lucky bamboo stalk if it is longer than 6 inches. Make the cut at the stalk’s bottom, just below a node, the rings around the stalk. Use sterilized pruning shears.

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      Pull off all but two leaves. If you prefer, cut them from the stalk with sharp scissors and include the entire shoot. Some gardeners have success pulling off the bottom leaves and rooting them in water or a small pot of moist sand.

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      Plant the lucky bamboo cutting 4 inches into the sand and pack the sand around the stalk.

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      Stick the stakes into the soil, equally spaced at the pot’s inside perimeter. Ensure that they are taller than the cutting.

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      Place the lucky bamboo stalk into a plastic bag and adjust the bag, so that the stakes hold it away from the cutting. Seal the bag and leave it in a bright area, but out of direct sun. Rooting time varies from six to nine weeks, but there are several ways to determine that the cutting has produced roots. If it produces new foliage, it rooted. To be sure, gently tip the lucky bamboo out of the pot to look for roots.

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      Remove the lucky bamboo stalk from the bag after it roots. Keep the sand moist at all times and give it lots of indirect sun.