Home Garden

How to Kill the Bugs on a Majestic Palm

Majestic Palms are most often infected with red spider mites and scale insects. Spider mites infest the underside of the palm leaf, producing a silky web that protects the mites as they feed on the underside of the leaves. Scale insects feed on the sap of your Majestic Palm. Once they attach their mouths to your palm, they become immobile and often secrete a sticky, sap-like substance. Kill the bugs infesting your Majestic Palm before the bugs destroy the plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Large trash bags
  • Old newspapers
  • Malathion
  • Tank sprayer
  • Gloves
  • Dishwashing detergent
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  1. Malathion

    • 1

      Cover your indoor Majestic Palm with a large trash bag tied around the base of the palm if you are unable to move the palm outdoors. Spread a thick layer of old newspapers under the palm. Leave outdoor palms uncovered.

    • 2

      Mix 2 tablespoons of malathion per gallon of water in a tank sprayer. Insert the tip of the sprayer into the trash bag for indoor palms.

    • 3

      Thoroughly coat the top and bottom of each leaf with the malathion mixture on both the indoor and outdoor palms.

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      Keep pets and children away from the palm until the malathion dries.

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      Wear gloves to remove the trash bag from the indoor palm. Place the newspapers and the trash bag in another trash bag to discard.

    Dishwashing Soap

    • 6

      Protect the floor with old newspapers around your majestic palm if you are unable to move it outdoors.

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      Mix 5 tablespoons of dish soap per gallon of water in a tank sprayer.

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      Spray the tops and bottoms of the palm’s leaves, thoroughly coating each leaf with the soapy water from the tank sprayer.

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      Repeat the application of soapy water in four days to ensure you eradicate the bugs.