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Aerial Pruning a Jade Plant

Jade plant earned its common name with the light-green color and luminous quality of its leaves. While jade plants are typically free from pests and disease, the leaves sometimes become damaged or shriveled due to excessive moisture and must be removed. Aerial pruning, which is the process of removing damaged leaves, is the best way of improving the appearance and health of afflicted jade plants. However, it is vital to sanitize your pruning shears beforehand to prevent further damage to your plant through the transmission of fungal or viral infections.

Things You'll Need

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Cotton ball
  • Pruning shears
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      Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide onto a fresh, clean cotton ball. Rub the blades of your pruning shears with the cotton ball until they are coated in a fine layer of hydrogen peroxide. Let the shears air dry for 10 to 15 minutes before using them.

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      Snip off any yellowed, shriveled or damaged leaves at their point of origin using your freshly sanitized pruning shears. Take off all the leaves from the tip of the branch if more than half of them are compromised. Make the cut just below the point where they attach to the stem.

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      Inspect the branches of the jade plant once the damaged leaves are removed. Look for branches or stems with soft spots, gouges or discolorations. Prune off the damaged branches at the point where they connect to a larger branch or trunk. Make the cut flush with the larger branch or trunk.

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      Prune off any branches that are crossed, tangled or too crowded since they increase the likelihood of further moisture damage to the jade plant. Snip off the crossed branches flush against the trunk at their point of origin.

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      Withhold watering for seven to 10 days after aerial pruning your jade plant. Let the soil dry out completely before adding more water. Apply only enough water to moisten the top inch of soil and let it dry out completely before watering it again.