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Caring for a Stromanthe Sanguinea

Stromanthe sanguinea, or prayer plant, charms many people with its striking, multicolored foliage. The thick, fleshy leaves come in several color variations, but the most common variety features burgundy, cream and green variegation from stem to tip. Certain light and moisture conditions must be met in order to maintain the dramatic coloring and vigorous growth Stromanthe sanguinea is prized for, but they are otherwise easy to care for and will thrive for many years under the right conditions.
  1. Light Requirements

    • Stromanthe sanguinea must be provided with bright, diffuse light for at least eight hours each day in order to maintain its intricate, colorful foliage variegation. Placing the plant within 10 feet of a large, south-facing window will provide enough light, but it must be kept away from direct sunlight since the leaves are sensitive and will scorch.

    Moisture Requirements

    • Like most houseplants, Stromanthe sanguinea craves water and will grow best in moderately moist soil. However, the soil must not be kept too moist since the roots will become oxygen-deprived and the plant will suffer damage. Watering once a week to a depth of 1 inch is adequate for Stromanthe sanguinea plants, but the soil must be allowed to dry out between each watering to maintain a healthy plant.

    Humidity Requirements

    • As a tropical species, Stromanthe sanguinea requires moderately high humidity to look its best. Frequent spritzing with an atomizer plant mister will keep the leaves from developing the crispy, brown edges that many indoor plants suffer from as a result of dry air. When spritzing the plant, pay attention to the undersides and stems to keep the it fully hydrated and healthy.

    Grooming Requirements

    • Stromanthe sanguinea catches people's attention with its dazzling foliage, so untidy or damaged leaves are instantly noticeable. Snip off the damaged or tattered leaves at their point of origin using pruning shears, but be careful not to cut or damage the surrounding leaves or stems. Grooming can be performed at any time of year, but it is best to do it in spring before the plant enters its active growth phase.

    Feeding Requirements

    • While Stromanthe sanguinea plants are not heavy feeders, they grow with extra vigor when provided with balanced, houseplant-formula fertilizer during the growing season. Monthly applications of fertilizer will prompt the production of fresh leaves, which will give the plant a healthier, fuller appearance. However, it is important to follow the label instructions and apply the fertilizer at half strength to avoid harming the roots.