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What Plants Sprout in 2 Weeks?

Gardeners receive instant results from some plants in terms of sprouts and flower blooms. When a plant sprouts, it is the first above-ground sign of the plant's growth from its seed. The sprout is usually the top end of the plant's stem. Another term for a sprout is a shoot. If a plant sprouts within two weeks of being planted, it usually will flower in one or two months. Plants with early sprouts include annuals, vines and vegetable plants.
  1. Vegetables

    • Vegetables are the edible parts of plants, aside from a plant's fruit and seeds. For many plants, vegetables are the roots, stems and leaves. Lettuce plants, such as green leaf or red leaf, sprout within two to three weeks of being planted; these vegetable plants fully mature after 50 days. Gardeners plant lettuce in the spring, or whenever the soil is dry enough for growth. Spinach is another vegetable plant with an approximate two-week waiting period before sprouting. These vegetable plants have woody stems and can be planted in the spring or fall.


    • Vines, or trailing plants, are annuals or perennials without a woody stem. For structural support, vines wrap around solid, stationary objects, such as trees, fences or buildings. Vines grow laterally if they are not climbing an object. Some vines, such as cucumbers and hyacinth bean, produce edible fruits. Both vines sprout within two weeks of being planted. The hyacinth bean produces purplish or brown beans, and cucumbers are long, narrow and green. Mature hyacinth beans and cucumbers reach lengths of 20 to 25 feet long.


    • A bulb plant features a round, fleshy part at the base of its stem. This round stem part is for food and water storage; the bulb is located underground, right above the plant's roots. Most bulb plants are perennial, meaning they live longer than one year. The amaryllis plant sprouts nearly two weeks after planting. If gardeners plant amaryllis during the fall, they bloom in March or April. Other bulb plants with a two-week sprouting period are narcissus and freesia. Bulbs prefer well-drained soil and full sun for growth.


    • Annuals are plants with a one-year lifespan. Due to their short life, most annuals sprout within two weeks of being planted and flower in less than two months. Marigolds grow within 45 to 50 days of being planted. These plants have orange or gold flowers and grow between 6 to 12 inches. Marigold flowers have feathery textures and emit pungent odors. Zinnia and cosmos are two other annuals that sprout within two weeks of being planted. Cosmos features a fern-like foliage and red or magenta flowers. Some zinnias sprout within one week.