Home Garden

How to Recover Frozen Plants

Try to prevent freezing by covering your outdoor plants and moving potted plants inside when the temperature is expected to drop below their cold tolerance levels. If plants are severely damaged by freezing, they may not recover. However, plants that receive only mild to medium damage may be recoverable with the proper treatment. Different types of plants require different treatment methods.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears or sharp scissors
  • Liquid fertilizer
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      Bring the temperature of the plant slowly up above freezing. Some people recommend shading a plant from sunlight to keep the temperature from rising too quickly and causing further damage to the plant's tissues.

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      Water the plant slowly and deeply once the plant's temperature rises above freezing and give the plant liquid fertilizer to help speed up its recovery. Do not over water the plant, as this could cause more damage.

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      Remove any damaged leaves, stems and flowers from soft-stemmed plants to prevent rot. Do not trim shrubs, trees or plants with woody stems until all risk of frost has passed because the damaged plant material will protect the plant if another frost occurs.