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Why Does Lettuce Turn Red at the Stalk?

Lettuce turns red or brown at the stalk due to a variety of reasons. The red discoloration often looks the most noticeable around the stalk due to its lighter color, but you may observe the odd color on other areas of the produce upon closer inspection. The rusty color looks unappetizing, but it does not always indicate that the lettuce has spoiled. If the red discoloration bothers you, prevent it from occurring by handling and storing the lettuce properly.
  1. Metal Knife

    • Cutting lettuce with a metal knife causes the produce to turn reddish-brown in color. The carbon in a metal knife reacts with the lettuce enzymes and causes oxidation to occur. The reddish-brown color may not appear on the lettuce for two to three days. Instead of cutting the lettuce with a metal knife, use a plastic or ceramic utensil. Specialty food stores sell lettuce knives that are made of plastic. The serrated edge makes it easy to cut the lettuce.

    Ethylene Gas

    • Storing lettuce with other produce such as pears, bananas and apples can cause the produce to form reddish brown spots. The spots form due to the release of ethylene gas, which naturally ripens fruit. The lettuce absorbs the extra ethylene gas that the fruits release. Too much ethylene gas can cause the lettuce to decay, which causes mold to form.


    • Cutting, tearing or ripping the lettuce damages it. When you purchase or harvest a head of lettuce, avoid cutting or ripping it until you are ready to serve it. Handling the lettuce carefully helps prevent bruises from occurring. If you drop, throw or smash a head of lettuce, you may damage the enzymes and cause the produce to turn red at the stalk. Damage to the lettuce encourages oxidation to happen quickly.


    • Improperly storing lettuce can also cause it to discolor. Lettuce needs stored at 32 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidity range around 96 percent. Avoid washing the lettuce until you are ready to serve it. If you need to store washed lettuce, drain the produce in a colander or salad spinner to remove the excess water. Wrap cut lettuce in paper towels and store the leaves in a plastic bag. The paper towels absorb the excess moisture and may need changed daily. Oxidation will occur as the lettuce ages, which causes the reddish-brown discoloration. For best results, store lettuce for no longer than one week.