Home Garden

How to Trim an Umbrella Sedge

Umbrella sedge (Cyperus spp), also known as the umbrella palm, is a useful water-loving plant. Many gardeners include them as plantings in water gardens and ponds, where they thrive. They've also been put to work in artificial wetlands and storm water drainage ditches because of their deep root system. In the home garden, umbrella sedge can quickly outgrow its area, motivating the gardener to trim it. Many different strategies have been employed in efforts to reduce the size of this pond favorite.

Things You'll Need

  • Bypass pruners
  • Lawn mower
  • Sharp shovel
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      Remove part of an umbrella sedge by simply cutting vegetation near the crown using bypass pruners. Eliminate any old or sickly looking shoots while you're trimming. Dispose of waste promptly since the tops of the umbrella sedge can root and become new plants.

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      Cut the sedge to the ground once every two years in locations where it is able to grow continuously. Use bypass pruners to clip the individual stalks or a lawn mower if you can reach the sedge with it -- obviously a planting in standing water needs to be trimmed by hand.

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      Divide the sedge using a sharp shovel when it begins to get thin in the middle. Lift the plant from its water feature or pot. Use the shovel to slice through the clumps. Replace part of the plant in the original location.