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How to Use Detergent for Germinating Seeds

The process of seed germination takes place when the tiny embryo plant within the seed coat is exposed to the necessary conditions that help it break through the seed coat or shell. A seed needs proper temperatures, oxygen and water in order to germinate. These conditions cause the tiny plant inside to enlarge and slowly break through the softening shell. Detergent serves as a wetting agent to help soften the seed and get water through the tough outer shell to the plant inside. You may use a little detergent effectively to help the germination process before you plant seeds.

Things You'll Need

  • Shallow dish
  • Liquid dish-washing detergent
  • Plastic wrap
  • Seed tray or planter
  • Soil
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      Fill a shallow dish halfway to its brim with water that is warm to the touch.

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      A drop or two of detergent helps water reach the embryo plant.

      Add 1 to 2 drops of liquid dish-washing detergent for each 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water in the shallow dish. The detergent is a surfactant that allows the water to penetrate the seed coat and get to the plant inside more easily than is possible otherwise.

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      Place the seeds you wish to germinate in the shallow dish with the detergent and water.

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      Lay a piece of plastic wrap over the shallow dish without wrapping it tightly around the dish. Set the dish in indirect sunlight, and allow it to sit overnight.

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      Prepare a seed tray or planter by filling each pot halfway to its top with soil.

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      Place two to three seeds in each prepared pot after the seeds soaked overnight in the water-detergent solution. Cover the seeds with the amount of soil recommended in the seeds' package directions to achieve the appropriate planting depth. Water the pots' soil until it is moist, and place the seed tray or planter in a place where it will receive the proper type and amount of light recommended in the seeds' package directions.