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How to Fertilize Alphonse Karr Bamboo

Unlike spreading bamboos that devour entire yards when fertilized, clumping bamboos such as Alphonse Karr (Bambusa multiplex "Alphonse Karr") remain manageable even when well fed. Alphonse Karr grows 20 to 35 feet high and 10 feet wide, and is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10. New growth is tinged pink, and stems mature to golden yellow with green stripes. Like any grass plant, Alphonse Karr requires a fertilizer high in nitrogen.

Things You'll Need

  • Fertilizer
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  1. Fertilizing Landscape Specimens

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      Feed Alphonse Karr bamboo in the spring, right before new growth begins. In very warm locations, such as southern Florida, where the plant has active growth all year, feed it again in midsummer and fall.

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      Water your Alphonse Karr bamboo thoroughly the day before you intend to feed it. Apply enough water that the soil around the roots is damp to a depth of at least 12 inches.

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      Spread a fertilizer specially formulated for bamboo evenly over the root zone. If bamboo fertilizer is not available, use a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. The University of Florida extension service website recommends a nitrogen-phosphate-potassium, or NPK, ratio of 18-6-8. The NPK numbers are required by law to be clearly marked on the fertilizer package. The website also suggests you use a palm tree fertilizer for fall feedings, if applicable for your area. Whichever fertilizer you use, follow the package directions carefully for the amount to apply, because it varies depending on the product chosen.

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      Water the plant again, to wash the fertilizer off the leaves and down into the root zone.

    Fertilizing Container-Grown Specimens

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      Feed your container-grown Alphonse Karr bamboo in the spring, before new growth begins. If your bamboo is an indoor specimen, this date may be earlier than for bamboos grown outdoors.

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      Water your pot of Alphonse Karr bamboo thoroughly the day before you plan to fertilize it. Apply enough water that it drains from the bottom of the pot. Remove the excess water after 30 minutes.

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      Apply a fertilizer specially formulated for bamboo evenly over the surface of the container. If bamboo fertilizer is not available, use a fertilizer intended for foliage house plants. Follow the directions carefully for the correct amount to apply, which varies depending on the product you choose.

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      Water the plant immediately after feeding, to wash the fertilizer off the foliage and move the food down to the roots. Remove any excess water after 30 minutes.