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Companion Plants for Heuchera Southern Comfort

"Southern Comfort" heuchera (Heuchera x "Southern Comfort"), also called coral bells, warms up your garden with its colorful, rounded leaves; this perennial's foliage starts out as an apricot-cinnmon blend, then ages to bronze and gold over the summer. "Southern Comfort" grows in full sun to partial shade and thrives in rich, well-draining soil. It's hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 to 8. Choose companion plants that thrive in similar conditions.
  1. Perennials

    • Perennials grow for at least four years, dying back to the ground in winter in cooler climates. Perennial companions for the "Southern Comfort" heuchera include astilbe (Astilbe x arendsii). This 4-foot-tall plant's red, white and pink blooms complement "Southern Comfort's" warm foliage. Astilbes are hardy in USDA zones 4 to 8 and grow well in rich, moist soil and sun to partial shade. "Southern Comfort" grows well with hostas (Hosta spp.). These shade-tolerant perennials grows in a range of shapes, sizes and colors; for an attractive contrast, choose varieties with blue- or gray-green foliage such as "Elegans" or "Hillbilly Blues." Hostas are hardy in USDA zones 3 to 9 and thrive in shady sites with rich, well-draining soil.

    Ground Covers

    • Ground covers fill in empty spaces around "Southern Comfort," preventing erosion and run-off. Compatible ground covers include wild ginger (Asarum canadense), a native perennial with shiny, heart-shaped foliage. Wild ginger spreads through aromatic rhizomes and blooms with purple flowers. It's hardy in USDA zones 2 to 8 and thrives in shady spots with moist, rich soil. Companions with year-round foliage include ajuga (Ajuga reptans), an evergreen ground cover with lustrous, dark foliage. Hardy in USDA zones 3 to 9, this shade-tolerant evergreen blooms with purple-blue flowers in spring and prefers moist soil.


    • Shrubs provide shade and a contrasting - or complementary -- backdrop for "Southern Comfort." Companion shrubs include the panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata). Hardy in USDA zones 3 to 8, this flowering shrub blooms with tall spires of white, pink and purple blossoms in summer and fall. The panicle hydrangea grows in full sun or partial shade and moist soil. The "Velvet Cloak" smoke tree (Cotinus coggygria "Velvet Cloak") has deep purple foliage that offers cool contrast to the "Southern Comfort's" warm tones during summer, then complements with red-orange fall foliage. Reaching heights to 15 feet, this shrub is hardy in USDA zones 5 to 9 and tolerates a range of site conditions.

    Ornamental Grasses

    • Ornamental grasses grow in clumps or spread through underground stolons; choose clumping varieties to plant around your "Southern Comfort" to minimize root competition. Variegated sedge (Carex morrowii "Ice Dance") grows in dense, 12-inch-tall clumps of green and white foliage. Hardy in USDA zones 5 to 9, this evergreen grass thrives in moist shade. Tufted sedge (Carex elata) tolerates full sun to light shade and thrives in rich, moist soil. This upright grass has fine foliage and grows to 3 feet tall. Varieties such as "Bowles Gold" offer complementary yellow tones. Tufted sedge is hardy in USDA zones 5 to 9.