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When Do You Plant Watermelon in California?

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), an annual grows throughout California, from its mountain peaks to its deserts. If grown as a perennial, it thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through to 11, meaning summer's iconic fruit will still grow almost anywhere in California. But with such a variety of climates and conditions, there is no single perfect time to plant watermelon in California. Instead, the state-wide planting season ranges from December to July, according to experts from University of California Cooperative Extension.
  1. Locations

    • Some of the hottest parts of California make the most suitable areas for growing watermelons. For example, the Northern Central Valley, Central Valley and the deserts of the central south all produce high watermelon yields. April through to July is peak watermelon planting time in these regions. In ideal conditions, an acre of watermelon plants produces 40 tons of fruit -- though you'll probably be growing a lot less in your yard!


    • When the soil temperature reaches 70 degrees F, then it's safe to plant watermelons according to "Old Farmer's Almanac." This applies throughout California. Some regions, such as the southern desert areas, have warm soil in December. In coastal or more northerly regions, the soil might not reach 70 F until April or later. Watermelons are very sensitive to frost, so any dips in temperature could kill the crop.


    • Watermelons need fast-draining soil where they can put down deep roots. The tastiest, juiciest melons grow in light sandy loam soil. Near the coastline, the soil may be too saline for watermelons. Though watermelons grow well in long, dry summers, during the early growth stage it helps to irrigate them with up to 2-inches of water per week. When the fruit sets, avoid watering altogether to concentrate the fruit's sweetness.


    • Watermelons are ready around 90 days after planting. A December-sown watermelon could be ready to pick as early mid-May. However, most watermelons are harvested from mid-summer to late October. Some early varieties take only 70 days to mature. When the melon turns less shiny and the fruit makes a hollow sound when tapped, then it's nearly time to harvest.