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Yucca Pallida Care

The yucca pallida, also known as the pale leaf yucca, grows 1 to 2 feet tall with a spread of 1 to 3 feet. The plant has pale greenish-blue leaves about 1 foot long and 1 inch wide. Flower stalks appear during late spring to early summer, depending on the region and weather conditions. At the top of the stalk is a large flower head with a cluster of bell-shaped, white flowers. Yucca pallida is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zones 7 to 11.
  1. Sunlight

    • This ground cover plant will grow in full sun or partial shade. Plants growing in full sun will produce more flowers, while those grown areas with more shade than sun will have limited, if any, flowers. Yucca pallida flowers in May in southwestern areas like Arizona and Texas because the soil starts to warm in late winter, whereas plants grown in northern areas such as Illinois don't flower until June because the ground warms later.


    • Yucca pallida needs a well-draining soil with a sandy base. Clay soils are to heavy and won't provide the drainage this plant needs. If the soil has clay in it, amend it with one part compost or humus to one part soil, about 6 to 8 inches deep in the area you plant the yucca. If the soil is sandy and doesn't hold moisture, amend it with one part peat moss or pine bark humus to one part soil.

    Water and Mulch

    • Yucca pallida plants have very low water needs. When the yucca first is planted, keep the soil moist for the first two three weeks until the roots become established. After that, rain should be sufficient to water the plant. If the region goes through a period of drought lasting two to three weeks, water the plant with about 1 inch of water every other week. Placing a layer of mulch around the base of the plant will help soil retain moisture.

    Pruning and Winter Care

    • After the flowers dies back on the yucca pallida, cut the stalks off at the base of the plant. The plant doesn't require any other pruning before winter. During the winter, don't water the plant. It goes dormant during the winter for a rest period.