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Hummingbird Gardens in the Sacramento Valley

Hummingbirds visit gardens in the Sacramento Valley that have native nectar plants and plants that attract insects hummingbirds like to eat. The best gardens have a variety of hummingbird-attracting plants as well as several feeders to optimize the food sources for your flighty visitors. Colorful, tubular-flowering plants are especially attractive to hummingbirds, as they alone can reach the nectar with their long beaks and tongues.
  1. Nectar Plants

    • Hummingbirds' narrow beaks are perfect for reaching nectar inside tubular flowers.

      You can find these native nectar-laden plants at local nurseries. Follow the particular care instructions for each plant to ensure best results:

      Hummingbird Trumpet (Epilobuim canum): This shrubby perennial blooms late in the season with fiery-red, trumpet-shaped flowers. The calf-high plant flourishes in full sun and well-drained soil, and is hardy enough to survive mild Sacramento Valley winters.

      Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis): A first-rate ornamental plant, salmonberry produces deep pink flowers attractive to hummingbirds as well as edible orange/yellow-colored fruits for hungry gardeners. This rose-family shrub thrives in dry soil with partial shade and will grow three to nine feet tall on average.

    Attracting Insects

    • Hummingbirds will come to your garden to feed on insects and nectar.

      While much of the hummingbird diet is nectar from plants, they also rely on insects for a source of protein. Hummingbirds eat spiders, gnats, mosquitoes and aphids. These insects are naturally drawn to outdoor gardens with varied plants, but it is important not to deter insects with pesticides. Install a small pond or birdbath to attract a wide variety of insects and birds to your backyard oasis.

    Hummingbird Feeders

    • Keep a variety of food sources in your hummingbird garden.

      Especially during the summertime, hummingbirds will happily take nectar from a homemade or commercial bird feeder. Hang the feeder from a low-hanging branch or set it on a wall in your garden. Fill the feeder with boiled sugar-water (to ensure it dissolves) or store-bought hummingbird nectar. This substance will also attract ants, but setting the feeder in a container with one inch of water will keep away unwanted insects. In the Sacramento Valley, hummingbirds may appear throughout the year, so keep feeders up all year long.

    Best Sighting Times

    • Hummingbirds can be seen year-round in the Sacramento Valley. If bird-watching from indoors, keep a pair of binoculars handy to capture your visitors in action. If you are outside enjoying the garden, just have patience and you'll soon be accompanied by hungry hummingbirds eager to try out all the feeding options you made available. They move very quickly, but you'll hear them coming by the rapid flutter of their wings.