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How to Train in Aquaponics

Aquaponics is an emerging method of food production that relies on symbiotic relationships between fish and plants to create a complete, largely self-sustaining agricultural ecosystem. Because of the increasing interest in sustainable agriculture in recent years, aquaponics training programs have become more diverse and widely available, providing several options for permaculture enthusiasts.


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      Take a college course. In recent years, several colleges and universities have added courses or majors geared toward commercial aquaponics. The training available at these institutions is primarily intended to train graduates for a job within the field of commercial aquaponics, and may not be appropriate for the hobbyist aquaponist.

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      Intern with a permaculture systems designer. Many aquaponics experts offer on-site internships or courses that are designed to introduce beginners to aquaponics systems. These types of internships are most appropriate for students with some agricultural background who are interested in jobs in permaculture design or consulting.

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      Attend a permaculture training course. These courses, which take place in various locations around the U.S., focus on instructing laypeople in the basics of sustainable agriculture. Be aware that in these courses aquaponics is typically introduced within the framework of a larger, more holistic approach to agricultural sustainability.

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      Study aquaponics independently. Because of the growing interest in permaculture in recent years, books, case studies, instructional videos and academic papers outlining the basic processes of aquaponics are readily available and provide enough information for amateur enthusiasts to begin creating small-scale aquaponic agricultural ecosystems.