Home Garden

How to Ripen Food and Fruit Quickly

Ripen fruit and other foods, such as vegetables, when you need to eat quickly or prepare the food for family and friends. Speeding up the process can save time, especially if you begin early in the morning. Some foods may ripen sooner, depending on how soon these foods were picked off the tree or purchased from the store. Don't forget about these foods, because spoiling can happen quickly when they are fully ripe.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper bags
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      Place fruits or vegetables that need to ripen quickly inside brown paper bags. Close the top of the bag to keep air inside. Add specific foods, such as apples and bananas, to the bag to speed up the ripening process. These foods produce ethylene gas, which helps other foods mature more quickly.

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      Place the bags on a sunny windowsill within the house and wait a few hours.

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      Open the bag to check the food periodically throughout the day until it's ripe enough to eat or prepare. Berries and other fruits may ripen quickly, while vegetables can take more time.

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      Check for ripeness by feeling the fruits and vegetables to see if they are less firm and darker in color. These foods gradually become darker as they ripen.

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      Repeat this process daily for vegetables until the food has ripened enough to satisfy your taste buds.