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Why Spray Crops in Florida With Water When It's Cold?

Florida, a state which usually has warm temperatures all year, sometimes experiences brief winter cold spells with overnight freezing temperatures. The cold damages crops, so farmers across the state need to be prepared and take extra steps to avoid losing their crops. One method is spraying them with water.
  1. Dangers

    • Freezing temperatures are a danger to crops such as strawberries, vegetables and citrus fruits. Florida used to experience just a few slightly colder days per year, but in recent years, there have been more freezing temperatures for longer periods. Temperatures in Florida have dropped as low as the 20s.

    Spraying Crops

    • One way farmers often can save crops in danger of freezing is to spray them with water. Just a fine mist is enough to protect crops such as vegetables, citrus and strawberries from freezing temperatures. These crops are often maturing in Florida around January, which is when the state is at a risk for low temperatures. When water is sprayed on crops, it creates a protective layer of ice.


    • The thin layer of ice locks in the internal temperatures of the crops, according to AccuWeather.com. According to CBS News, spraying crops with water is a solution "because ice acts like a blanket from even colder temperatures." Farmers may also cover the sprayed crops with plastic for additional protection. However, if temperatures fall below the mid-20s, even spraying will not help.


    • Besides spraying with water, farmers might decide to harvest the crops that are ripe or nearly ripe when freezing temperatures are predicted. Farmers also might use helicopters that hover over the crops, causing warmer air to be pushed down onto them.