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The Growing Range For Terminalia Arjuna

Besides coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) and she-oaks (Causarina spp.), tropical landscapes are frequently forested and shaded by the large trees in the genus Terminalia, containing 200 species. The white marudah or arjun (Terminalia arjuna) is one species native to southern India and Sri Lanka. It matures 90 to 160 feet tall and wide, and is used for shade, timber, leather tanning and a variety of local medicinal applications.
  1. Climate Characteristics

    • In its native habitat, arjun experiences a cyclical wet-to-dry season tropical climate. April, May and June are hot months, with monsoons starting in June and continuing into September. October to December are warm and dry, with frost-free and comfortable temperatures during the winter dry season from December to March. Overly dry conditions or chilly temperatures make this normally evergreen tree become temporarily deciduous.

    Temperature Hardiness

    • Native to the tropics, arjun grows best when temperatures don't get colder than 65 degrees Fahrenheit, with 40 degrees as an absolute minimum. This correlates to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 11 and warmer. It will grow in zone 10, but likely shed all foliage as temperatures approach freezing.The tree tolerates summer heat with ease. The ideal summer high is around 90 degrees, with an absolute tolerance at 116 degrees.

    Moisture Needs

    • Arjun trees tolerate extremes in soil moisture, as they are naturally adapted to bone dry soil for half the year and then adequate to flooding moisture the other half of the year. They are often found growing along stream and river banks where moisture is always available, but flooding up to six months in duration are likely. Grow arjun trees where they receive no less than 30 inches of rain annually, but no more than 70 inches. An ideal range is 40 to 60 inches per year, substantially during the warm months.

    Growing Requirements

    • Plant an arjun in sandy or loam soils that have low to average fertility. Soils need to be well-drained, even though seasonal flooding inundates the soil. Keep the soil dry during the winter months. Grow it in a full-sun exposure to develop the best branching structure and promote healthy leaf growth. Production of white flowers occurs from mid-spring to early summer on branch tips. Sunny conditions ensures best flowering and production of fruits with oily seed nut inside.