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How Reliable Are Soil Test Kit Testers?

For those gardeners interested in knowing such basic information as their soil's pH level or the levels of the nitrogen, phosphorous or potassium, a do-it-yourself soil kit can be a reliable tool. When more detailed information is needed, a professional soil analysis should be performed.
  1. Do-It-Yourself Kits

    • Look for soil test kits at your local garden store.

      A wide range of soil test kits are available at most nurseries and garden centers. Single-use kits are available as well as kits for repeated usage. The cost for a single kit can range from $2 to $20. As with anything, the better the quality, the more reliable the results.

    pH, NPK

    • NItrogen is an element in the soil that plants use in high quantities.

      A soil test kit will tell you if your soil is acidic (pH below 7.0), alkaline (pH above 7.0) or neutral (7.0). Most kits will also tell you the percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in the sample.

    Professional Soil Analysis

    • The cost of a professional soil analysis is comparable to the cost of a do-it-yourself kit.

      A private lab or university lab can test soil to reveal more than just the soil's pH. If you need information such as percentage of organic matter, concentration of micro-nutrients, capacity to hold water and retain nutrients, or you need to know exactly what kind of soil you have, a do-it-yourself kit will not suffice.