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How to Make Dark Colored Flowering Kale More Attractive in Containers

Flowering kale comes along just when summer flowers fade and temperatures cool. Known mostly as ornamental kale because they aren't, in fact, grown for their flowers but for the foliage, they are late-summer plants with thick leaves that stand up to frost. Containers with ornamental kale put the punch back on porches and add exciting focal points with very little effort. Kale varieties include rounded leaf and frilly leaf forms. The rounded-leaf plants are called ornamental cabbage while the frilly or ruffled-leaf varieties are identified as ornamental kale. With single or multiple colors, including cream, pink, red, purple and many shades of green, they mix well with each other and with other fall-hardy plants to extend the gardening season through to hard frost.

Things You'll Need

  • Containers
  • Flowering kale
  • Other plants
  • Mulches
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    • 1
      Light-colored varieties of ornamental kale mix well with dark-colored ones.

      Fill the center of a large container with one or three dark-colored plants of either the ornamental cabbage type or the frilly ornamental kale variety, depending on the container size. Surround the dark variety with enough cream-colored or variegated plants to fill the container. Make a companion container by planting light-colored or variegated types in the center, surrounded by dark colors. Use either cabbage or frilly types for the center and other types for the outer plants.

    • 2
      Coleus makes a good companion plant to ornamental kale.

      Combine dark-colored kale with light, contrasting-colored plants such as chartreuse "Lime Rickey" heuchera or coral bells, pineapple sage or colorful coleus, also available in several leaf forms and many colors and combinations.

    • 3
      Purple kale makes an eye-catching plant by itself or in mixed containers.

      Plant a tall spiky plant such as dark purple phormium or purple fountain grass in the center of the container to add a bold statement. Surround the tall plant with either light or dark cabbage or kale varieties. A solid dark-colored container will add drama while a light-colored container will accentuate the contrast.

    • 4
      Small herb plants fit well in containers with dark flowering kale.

      Pair edible plants with dark flowering kale. Tuck easy-to-grow herbs and greens such as basil, lettuce, arugula or oregano into a container with kale.

    • 5
      Seashells make an unexpected mulch in containers.

      Plant dark-colored kale in a wide, shallow container, leaving spaces around the plants for a decorative mulch. Some creative choices are seashells, river stones, cocobean hulls, nut shells, colored leaves, small gourds, colored aquarium gravel and glass marbles or half-circles.