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What Can You Grow on Balconies?

Balconies can serve the same purpose as small backyards and patios. You can grow many types of fruits, vegetables and flowers in these very small spaces. You can also grow herbs and greenery to act as privacy screens. Regardless of what you plant, it is necessary to water well and fertilize regularly. Unless you have a wrap-around balcony, you may have to choose plants that will survive in the conditions dictated by the direction that your balcony faces.
  1. Fruits

    • Dwarf citrus trees, such as lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit, are good choices for balconies in warmer climates. Large pots or half barrels are viable options for containers because they provide the space needed for the roots to grow. Other fruits that will grow well in containers are blackberries, which like warm, sunny conditions, and strawberries, which will produce well for about three years.


    • Tomatoes and peppers are ideal vegetables to grow on a balcony because they do not require a lot of room. You can purchase starter plants at your local garden center to transplant into pots or window boxes, or you can start plants from seeds indoors and transplant them when the weather allows. If you start plants from seeds, you should use a potting mix designed for that purpose, and be sure to provide enough light and water to increase success.


    • Flowers provide a soothing array of color just outside your window. They can be grown from seeds or starter plants and can be planted in clay or plastic pots and in wooden boxes. Choosing the right flowers to grow may take a period of trial and error because various flowers grow in different conditions differently. Despite the type of flower you grow, you should remove dead flowers and yellow leaves often to keep them looking their best.


    • All kinds of tall plants, such as palm and split-leaf philodendron, can be planted on the balcony to act as privacy screens and to give you the feeling of being outdoors. Growing vines attached to a lattice screen adds to the intimate feeling of the balcony. If your balcony is strong enough to support the weight, you can build planter boxes and plant tall shrubs or cypress trees. You can even plant bamboo, which is difficult to control when it is planted in the ground.