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How to Pick Ginseng

Ginseng is a plant that needs to grow at least nine years before it can be harvested. Ginseng has been around for thousands of years, originally coming from the mountains of Northern China. It was used as food and for medicinal purposes. You can tell the age of ginseng by looking at the root. Each year in the fall, another ridge is formed on the ginseng. The number of ridges equals the number of years.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Trowel, pick, screwdriver
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    • 1

      Examine the ginseng. Ginseng plants are mature when there are two or more stems with leaves. The stems should measure between 8 and 27 inches in length. Leave any plants that are smaller than this.

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      Remove mulch, leaves and other debris around the ginseng plant with your hands.

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      Remove the dirt as carefully as possible. The variety of tools that people use to do this job ranges from a trowel, pick, screwdriver or your hands. Go slowly so you do not damage the root.

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      Wash the ginseng to remove dirt, and then allow it to air dry.