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Varieties of AGI Wheat

Advanced Genetics Inc., more commonly known as AGI, is an Ohio-based crop-development company specializing in agricultural varieties for that region. The company's catalog of products includes both conventional and Roundup Ready soybeans as well as a number of wheat varieties. The wheat varieties all fall into the broad category soft red winter wheat and are identified by a number system rather than variety names.
  1. Early Varieties

    • AGI 100 through AGI 106 are all early or medium early varieties. Actual harvest dates vary depending on weather and local conditions. Wheat maturity is based on heat units rather than days from planting to harvest. Heat units are calculated using the average daily temperature, meaning a warm day may generate several times more growth than cool days. Early grains require fewer heat units to mature than do medium or late crops. All varieties have either excellent or very good winter hardiness traits as determined in AGI test plots. The AGI 100 and AGI 102 are smooth varieties, meaning the wheat grain is smooth, while the AGI 106 is bearded, possessing a tuft or bristle at the end of the seed. AGI 102 is a tall variety while the other varieties are either medium or short in plant height. The AGI 101 is classified as a medium wheat with a straw height of about 35 inches under good conditions.

    Medium Varieties

    • Advanced Genetics Inc. offered six varieties classified as having a medium maturing date. AGI 107 through AGI 207 fall into this category with all offering either very good or excellent winter hardiness and lodge resistance. Lodging occurs when the plant stem bends or breaks and the wheat plant lies flat on the ground rather than standing upright. All medium maturing varieties are smooth wheat except the AGI 206B, which is an awnletted variety. Awnlets are a smaller version of the beard at the end of the wheat seed.

    Late Varieties

    • Only two AGI wheat varieties fall into the late-maturing grain category. The AGI 401 and AGI 402B are both tall varieties with excellent winter hardiness and lodge resistance. The AGI 401 is a smooth wheat, while the AGI 402B is awnletted.

    AGI Wheat

    • AGI comprises professional seed farms in the Ohio area and specializes in developing seeds for that market. All crop testing is done in Ohio. The soft red winter wheat is the common wheat variety for that region.