Home Garden

Homemade Pesticides & Fungicides

Pesticides kill insects, while fungicides get rid of mold. According to the website Pays to Live Green, commercially made pesticides are some of the most dangerous substances found in the home. The commercial products used to get rid of insects and mold contain dangerous poisons, while homemade products contain natural ingredients that are safe to humans and the environment. Pays to Live Green reports many people are using naturally made cleaning products these days, and natural, homemade products for the garden will follow.
  1. Price

    • Commercially made pesticides and fungicides can be pricey. Homemade products require only a few ingredients, which can usually be found in the kitchen cupboard. They are usually far cheaper than store-bought products.

    Key Ingredients

    • Homemade pesticides aren't designed to kill insects, they're made to repel pests. The key to doing this is to make sure they have an awful taste or smell. The main ingredient in many homemade pesticides is soap or strong-tasting items like garlic or hot peppers. The key ingredient in homemade fungicides is often baking soda or potassium bicarbonate.

    Recipe for Homemade Pesticide

    • Mix together 1 cup cooking oil and 1 tablespoon liquid dishwashing soap. Use 2 1/2 teaspoons of the mixture in 1 cup water. Spray on the surface and underside of plant leaves. Be sure to use a dishwashing soap that has no anti-bacterial ingredients or it will kill the plants.

    Recipe for Homemade Fungicide

    • Mix 1 rounded tablespoon of baking soda, with 1 tablespoon of citrus oil in one gallon of water. Spray on the leaves of plants affected with mildew and fungus disease. Try not to pour on soil.