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How to Grow Timothy Hay in Tennessee

Tennessee's cool and wet weather conditions makes it perfect for growing timothy hay, a hearty grass that thrives in cooler weather. Timothy hay is a perennial, which means that once it is established, it comes back year after year without seeds having to be sown again as long as the pasture is properly maintained. Growing to a height of two to four feet high, timothy hay is used primarily as a hay crop.

Things You'll Need

  • Seeds
  • Tiller
  • Herbicide
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  1. Instructions

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      Prepare field for planting. Remove weeds from the pasture. This can be done by tilling, but is not often done so to prevent erosion. A more common way to remove weeds is to spray a herbicide on the pasture and not till the land. Be sure to prepare the seedbed by removing large rocks and other debris in the first few inches of soil.

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      Conduct a soil test. The University of Tennessee Soil Testing Laboratory in Nashville can analyze soil samples and provide fertilizer recommendation. If there is too much acid, not enough nutrients will be available for the hay and weeds will flourish. Adding the correct amout of fertilizer and lime can bring soil to the required combination of acid and alkaline. If lime is added, it should be done six months prior to planting.

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      Plant at the right time. Timothy hay needs a cool temperature to grow and should be planted approximately from August 15 through October 1.

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      Plant seeds at the right depth. Timothy seeds should be sown at a depth of 1/4 to 1/2 inches.

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      Harvest at the correct time. The ideal time to cut timothy hay is just before blooming.