Home Garden

Home Remedies for Diseased Hemlock

Hemlock (Tsuga) is a target for several common diseases that may be managed with a few at-home products and techniques. Diseased hemlocks are ugly and dangerous, and must be treated right away before their problems spread throughout the garden and other outdoor areas.
  1. Hemlock Diseases

    • Leaf spot disease is named for its symptoms. When leaf spot is present in hemlock, the foliage becomes covered with red-brown spots. As symptoms progress, the leaves will wilt and drop. Leaf spot causes little damage, but it can be controlled if you rake and destroy your fallen leaves every autumn. Downy or white leaf spot creates yellow and whitish spots on leaves. Dampening off fungi occurs in moist, wet soils most commonly, causing wilting damage to the hemlock. Rust and blight may also affect hemlock, causing stunted growth, deformity and browning foliage.

    Baking Soda

    • Mix 1 tsp. baking soda with 4 cups water. Add 1 to 2 drops liquid dish soap, so the fungicide will stick to leaves. Spray the mixture directly on leaves to prevent mildew diseases, rust and spot diseases. The fungicide should be applied every two weeks or sooner if rainfall occurs. Baking soda helps to kill fungus, preventing it from creating damaging diseases in your plants.

    Plant Fungicide

    • Horsetail (Equisetum) may be used to make a natural plant fungicide. Harvest fresh horsetail and use it to fill a pot. Cover the plants with water and bring the pot to a boil. Let the mixture simmer for at least 45 minutes, then allow it to cool before straining. Add 9 parts water to 1 part strained horsetail, and add 1 tsp. liquid soap. The mixture may be sprayed on hemlock to prevent and kill mildew and rust diseases. Apply it every two weeks to prevent fungus, and every other day when fungal diseases are present. Create a different fungicide by mixing 5 tbsp. dry chamomile flowers with 4 cups boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool after it has been boiled, and spray it directly on hemlock to prevent and kill dampening-off diseases.

    Homemade Pesticide

    • Aphids and other insects that attack hemlock may be carriers of disease. Control diseases by destroying these insects with homemade pesticides. Mix 4 cups water with 1 tsp. liquid soap, and spray it directly on hemlock to kill mites, thrips and aphids.