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Why Do Plants Grow Better at the Full Moon?

Many gardeners plan their planting schedule to reflect the phases of the moon. That is because the moon not only influences the ocean tides but also the groundwater beneath the soil surface. Using the moon phases to plant your garden does not mean planting in the night, but understanding which plants benefit being planted during the different moon phases.
  1. Moon Phases

    • Every month there are four phases, or quarters, of the moon's cycle, with each phase lasting approximately seven days. The first two phases, when light increases from the new moon to full moon, are referred to as waxing. The two phases after the full moon, when light gradually diminishes, are called waning. The four moon phases influence the earth's gravity, which is why the ocean tides change and groundwater rises and falls.

    Lunar Gardening

    • Gardening by the phases of the moon is called lunar gardening; it is believed that certain plants benefit from being planted during a particular moon phase. In the new moon phase, when groundwater levels begin to rise giving a balance of leaf and root growth, gardeners plant annuals and leafy vegetables. The groundwater continues to increase as the moon moves into the second phase, when crops such as beans, tomatoes and peppers benefit being planted. The full moon phase is the height of moisture in the soil, which aids root systems and root vegetables. During the final, fourth, phase, called the resting phase, the groundwater is at its lowest level and it is an ideal time to transplant and cultivate your garden.

    Full Moon Phase

    • With groundwater at its highest level during the full moon, plant roots receive an abundance of water for optimum growth. It is a time when seeds planted during the other moon phases have germinated and are now establishing their root systems and growing. The full moon phase is not a time to plant, but a time to harvest your crop because the plant will be fully hydrated and fed.


    • Amending your soil or applying fertilizer during the full moon phase increases the dispersal of needed nutrients into the soil, which allows the plant roots to access the food freely. Prepare your garden area for root crop planting during the full moon, but plant the root crop during the third phase of the moon, for nutrient-rich soil. Weather conditions must be considered when practicing lunar gardening. As an example, if heavy rain is expected, it would be prudent to wait until the rains cease before planting or amending soil, regardless of the moon phase.