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Non Poisonous Plants for Children to Grow

Introducing children to the amazing world of growing plants is a rewarding and fun activity. Give kids their own small plot in the larger garden and help them learn how to grow food and flowers that benefit the family and the planet. Choices for healthy, nonpoisonous plants are plentiful, and children will love watering their plants and watching their gardens grow. Always use organic amendments and fertilizers.
  1. Vegetables

    • Quick-growing vegetables that produce things kids like to eat are the best choice for outdoor growing. Peas are a natural, because they can be started when the weather is still cool and are quick to grow and produce. Plus, their large seeds are easy for little fingers to handle. Lettuce, spinach and other greens are tasty eaten young and fresh from the garden and come in a host of colors and textures. Tomatoes such as red cherry and yellow pear are kid favorites for eating right off the vine. Other good choices include carrots (not just orange anymore), beans, pumpkins and cucumbers.

    Annual Flowers

    • Marigolds, calendula and nasturtiums grow quickly from seed once the weather warms in late spring, and both flowers and leaves are edible. Plant the seeds when night temperatures are consistently in the mid-50s. Sunflowers also grow large quickly if planted when the soil has warmed. Buy starts of pansies and violas, also edible, from the nursery and tuck them into the ground in early spring; they can withstand much cooler temperatures.


    • Parsley is an herb that can be nibbled fresh from the garden, and its crinkly leaves appeal to children. Chocolate mint is another plant that is fun to sniff and eat, but plant it in a pot, because mint is a notorious spreader. Tall, annual pineapple sage produces bright red flowers in midsummer that will attract hummingbirds; dill attracts swallowtail butterflies.

    Indoor Plants

    • According to the University of Connecticut extension service, many common houseplants are safe around children. Easy-to-grow choices include African violets, jade plant, figs, coleus and Swedish ivy. Some plants, such as succulents, require little water or care besides a sunny windowsill, so are a good choice for forgetful children. Just avoid those with thorns.