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Underground Fencing to Control Gophers or Moles

Gophers and moles can be a real headache, wreaking havoc among the flowers and other plants in your yard. Underground fencing is an effective protection against such attacks, and though imperfect, can save many a flower from the jaws of subterranean rodents.
  1. The Threat

    • Gophers are burrowing herbivores, notorious for destroying flowers, plants and trees in suburban and rural lawns. The rodents will gnaw on roots, killing the plants they support, and will occasionally pull entire flowers underground from beneath to eat in the privacy of their tunnel. Moles will occasionally eat your plants, but their burrowing habits alone are the cause of most damage, disturbing roots and causing unsightly mounds in your yard and flowerbeds.

    Underground Fencing

    • Though best used in combination with traps or other types of repellent, underground fences can effectively deter both gophers and moles. Such a fence is best made out of galvanized chicken wire, and should extend two or more feet downward. An additional six inches of horizontal fence should be added at the bottom, extending outward to deter burrowing underneath. Constructing the fence to reach a foot above ground as well will prevent attacks on the surface.


    • Though often very effective, persistent gophers and moles will still be able to get underneath a fence. As long as the fence has a bottom edge, it's possible to tunnel beneath it. Such fences can also interfere with tree growth if built too close to the trunk and roots, so careful placement is imperative.

    Better Protection

    • If you're trying to guard a flowerbed, rather than a tree or large shrub, you can completely protect your plants by completely screening them off underground. Dig a pit where your future bed will be and lay a flat piece of chicken wire on the bottom of it, closing it off on the sides with vertical fencing. Fill in the dirt and plant your flowers, secure in the knowledge that no gopher will ever get in.