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How to Keep Bugs Away From Cabbage

Unfortunately for the average gardener, humans aren't the only ones who enjoy eating fresh cabbage. Something as simple as a cabbage looper (a grayish brown moth) can start an infestation. The moth only needs a moment to leave an egg on the plant before it flies away. In a matter of days, a caterpillar will hatch from the egg and proceed to eat the plant. If you follow the right steps, however, you can avoid such an attack and keep bugs away from the plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
  • Row covers
  • Dill
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      Inspect the plants each day for cabbage loopers, if you've already planted the garden. Also, look for bright green caterpillars with two white stripes down their backs and a white stripe on each side. Inspect the plants for traces of the brown fecal matter the caterpillars leave behind on the plants.

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      Mix Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a type of bacterium often used as a pesticide, with water by following the directions given on the package, if you find caterpillars. Spray the mix directly onto the foliage of the affected plants. For smaller gardens or light infestations, remove the caterpillars by hand from the plants in addition to using Bt.

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      Install row covers to prevent further infestation after you eradicate the caterpillars. Establish dill with the plants as a secondary measure to repel cabbage loopers and other moths.