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Water Absorbing Grass Plants

If you have a boggy area in your yard, growing plants there that enjoy wet conditions will ease your maintenance tasks. Some perennials, including grasses and grasslike plants, are accustomed to growing along stream banks, in ponds and in low areas that never dry out. They often have hollow stems and need plenty of water to grow, so will absorb any excess in the soil.
  1. Cattails

    • Cattails (Typha spp.) prefer to be planted in standing water in full sun. The larger varieties can be planted in deeper water. Cattails normally reach about 6 to 8 feet tall, but dwarf varieties such as T. minima, which reaches only 2 feet, also are available, as is a variegated variety, which reaches 5 feet. Cattails can be invasive, so thin them regularly.


    • Arundo donax, also known as giant reed or wild cane, is a perennial grass that grows 20 feet tall. It has long leaves that droop from each stalk and resembles a narrow corn plant. The variegated variety is most often sold in nurseries as an ornamental, although the green species has become an invasive pest in waterways. Arundo donax is hardy to minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Golden variegated reed, Phragmites australis "Aurea," reaches 8 feet tall and is hardy to minus 15 F.

    Hard Rushes

    • The Juncus genus contains water-absorbing rushes such as Blue Arrows, with narrow blue-green upright foliage. It grows to 2 feet tall and produces airy clusters of brown seed heads in summer. Another hard rush, Unicorn, or corkscrew rush, has spiraling foliage that resembles a unicorn's horn. Juncus grows in full sun or part shade, in moist soil or shallow water. It is hardy to minus 15 F.

    Soft Rushes

    • Zebra rush, Scirpus lacustris tabernaemontani "Zebrinus," has horizontal cream-colored stripes about an inch wide that alternate with green. It grows 4 to 6 feet tall and needs wet soil or shallow water. Zebra rush prefers shade or only morning sun. It is hardy to 5 F. Golden sword rush, Baumea rubiginosa "Variegata," has flat leaves striped with yellow and dark green. It grows to 3 feet in sun or part sun, prefers shallow water and is hardy to 5 F.