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Types Of Honeydew

Honeydew melon varieties are cultivated year round. These melons are hardy and can be stored for long periods of time. Honeydew varieties grow on long stems that emerge from a central trunk. Melon plants produce female and male flowers on the same stem. The female flowers proffer the fruits after pollination. Melons within the honeydew family are also known as Balian or Wallace melons. Honeydew melons exist in three varieties: original, orange and golden honeydew.
  1. Cultivation

    • All varieties of honeydew melon grow best in hot, dry climates. Original honeydew are winter melons that become ripe at the end of fall. The orange honeydew grows naturally from May through October in most domestic climates in the United States and is imported during the winter. The golden honeydew is cultivated domestically during the summer months.


    • The original honeydew has a smooth outer rind that turns from green to yellow when the fruit reaches maturity. The flesh is pale green. This melon is round or oval and is somewhat bigger than a cantaloupe, weighing between 4 and 8 pounds. The orange honeydew is also oval or round and of a similar size. When ripe, its skin is either yellow or light pink, and the flesh is tinted orange. The golden honeydew resembles the original melon; however, its skin is bright gold.


    • Once you pick a honeydew melon, it will not continue to become sweeter. Melons should be picked ripe on the vine, since at this point they contain the most sugar. Orange honeydew melons have a flavor that resembles cantaloupes and are packed with Vitamin. Golden honeydew has a sweet taste similar to the original melon. All honeydew varieties are unique in that they have little to no smell.


    • Original honeydew melons are usually used raw in cold soups or fruit salads. Chefs often combine them with lime, berries and mint. These fruits can act as a substitute for any melon with green fruit in recipes. Store honeydew at room temperature until it becomes ripe, then bag it and place it in the refrigerator. Cover and refrigerate cut honeydew melon. Orange honeydew is also best used raw, and complements cheeses such as feta and goat, as well as nuts, and spices such as mint and basil. It can act as a substitute for cantaloupe in recipes. Golden honeydew is also best served raw, and keeps in the refrigerator for about two weeks.


    • Honeydew melon varieties originated in southern France and Algeria in the late 15th century. Originally, honeydew melons were called White Antibes Cultivar. Farmers intentionally produced orange honeydew through cross-pollination in an effort to combine the best qualities of cantaloupe and honeydew. The golden honeydew occurred after cross-pollination between original and orange honeydew.