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How to Grow Red Sorrel

Red sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is also known as roselle, Florida cranberry and Jamaica sorrel. The plant is originally from the tropics where it can be a perennial, but in colder climes it should be treated as an annual as winter frosts kill it off. Even so, it will grow in the Northern states, but its flowers will not develop properly. Red sorrel has been cultivated outdoors at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Gardeners have most success with the plant in the warmer Southern states. In Florida, for example, the best time to plant red sorrel is in mid-May, allowing an autumn harvest of fruit and flowers.

Things You'll Need

  • Compost
  • Sand
  • Spade
  • Liquid vegetable feed
  • Fungicide
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    • 1

      Remove weeds and stones from a sunny spot in your garden and amend the soil with a 3-inch-thick layer of compost and a 1-inch layer of sand to ensure good drainage.

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      Sow seeds or plant cuttings after the last frost. Once the seedlings are 3 to 4 inches tall, with three or four leaves, thin them out so that they are about 12 inches apart.

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      Water the growing plants when the soil around them is dry to the touch. Do not leave them standing in pools of water.

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      Pick out weeds from around the young plants.

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      Fertilize the plants with a regular liquid feed for vegetables. As they grow vigorously up to 8 feet high, use between one-quarter and one-half of the recommended amount of feed.