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How to Convert a 3-Hole Plowshare to a 4-Hole Plowshare

A plowshare is the leading edge of the moldboard of a plow. In modern plows, the plowshare usually comes in the form of a thin blade made of hardened metal. They come in many shapes and sizes, and are usually built to connect with the frame of the specific plow for which they are designed. As such, if you get a new plow frame with a different arrangement of connection points for the plowshare, you will need to modify the plowshare to fit the new frame if you wish to avoid buying a new one.

Things You'll Need

  • Power drill
  • Work bench
  • Cobalt drill bits
  • Ruler
  • Marker
  • Safety goggles
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    • 1

      Align the center hole of your three-hole plowshare with the connection point that is the second to farthest away from the leading edge of the plow. Ensure that it fits into place and will not slide around with the plowshare is connected to the plow.

    • 2

      Mark the places on the plowshare's surface where the connection points meet the blade with your marker. Ignore any connection points that currently match an existing hole. Check the alignment when they have all been marked to ensure they are all accurate.

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      Select a cobalt drill bit that will match the size of existing holes on the surface of the plowshare.

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      Set the plowshare on your work bench and drill new holes at each point you have marked on the surface. As the plowshare is likely composed of hardened steel, this may take some time and require replacing your bit at some point during the process.

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      Attach your new four-hole plowshare to the frame of your plow to complete the conversion.