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What Keeps Deer Out of Flower Beds & Gardens?

Although deer can be fun to observe in the countryside, the feeding habits of this large animal can cause extensive damage to your landscape, yard and garden. Keep deer and other large wildlife at bay by creating barriers and methods to deter these visitors. The best method for deterring deer from your flowerbeds and garden depends on your landscape design. While tall fences may be suitable for rural yards, suburban and neighborhood landscapes may require less obvious methods.
  1. Deterrents

    • Like many other forms of wildlife, deer have a sense of scent that lets them know when danger or food is nearby. Commercially prepared deterrents are available from numerous gardening centers and home and garden websites. You can also try products you have on hand, although they may need replacing regularly. Hanging a bar of strong-smelling soap inside your flowerbeds and garden area can help mask the enticing scent of the potential food source. Spraying the plants with a diluted hot sauce may also create an unpleasant smell and taste. Scattering items that smell like humans, such as hair clippings, may also deter deer.

    Landscaping Plants

    • Landscape with plants that deer tend to avoid, such as Russian olive, holly shrubs, honey locust, boxwood and English hawthorne. The prickly thorns on some of these shrubs make them unattractive to some other varieties of wildlife, as well. Although deer may have a preference for certain plants, such as those that produce berries and tasty blossoms, these wild animals will eat just about anything when their natural food sources become scarce.


    • Placing small barriers around individual plants or planters can prevent damage to certain plants, while still allowing the deer access to your landscape. Small barrier systems are suitable when the deer are only attracted to one or two varieties of plants in your flowerbeds or garden. You can install small barriers by placing garden posts around your selected plants and attaching the woven wire fencing to them with fencing staples or wire ties.


    • Tall deer fences are generally the most expensive, yet most effective, method of controlling deer damage in your yard and garden. Building a tall fence along the area of entry may be enough to keep the deer out of your entire yard, although determined deer can find a way to walk around the fencing. A complete enclosure using 8-feet tall fencing or deer fencing will help keep the neighboring deer population out of your yard, although this type of fencing may not meet certain city ordinances or neighborhood regulations.